
Biden Bans Bulbs: The War On Incandescents Begins

Today, folks, we have some bright news for you. Well, actually, it’s more like dim news. President Joe Biden, with his trusty Department of Energy by his side, has decided to ban incandescent light bulbs. Yes, you heard that right – the good ol’ light bulbs that have been lighting up our lives for decades are now going the way of the dinosaurs. But hey, at least we get some LED light bulbs, right? It’s like trading in your favorite classic car for a shiny new bicycle. Makes total sense.

According to a report by, the Department of Energy is now playing the role of the bulb police, mandating that manufacturers can only offer LED light bulbs to all you poor American consumers. Because apparently, the government knows best when it comes to lighting our homes. Who needs choice and freedom when you can have energy-efficient LEDs forced upon you? It’s like having a light bulb dictatorship in your living room.

Now, before you start hoarding those incandescent bulbs like they’re precious gold nuggets, let’s clarify a few things. Retailers won’t be permitted to sell them anymore, but you can still use the ones you already have. Thank goodness for small blessings, right? But mark my words, folks – the day will come when you’ll have to part ways with your beloved incandescents. And what will replace them? These fancy LED bulbs that come with a fancy price tag. On average, you’ll be shelling out about $7 per unit for LEDs, compared to a humble $2 for those old-fashioned incandescents. I guess Biden thinks your wallets can handle it. Or maybe he just wants to see you squirm.

But fear not, my conservative comrades, because there’s more to this story than just lousy light bulbs. The Biden administration claims that by forcing us to switch to LEDs, we’ll be reducing carbon emissions by a whopping 222 million metric tons. That’s like taking 28 million residences off the grid for a whole year! Can you believe it? It’s as if those incandescent bulbs were single-handedly destroying the planet. Clearly, the green warriors have been fighting the wrong battle all along. Forget about saving the economy or tackling crime – let’s focus on light bulbs instead. That’s where the real climate victory lies, right?

Now, let’s take a trip down memory lane to the golden days of the Trump administration. Ah, what a time to be alive. Back then, President Donald Trump was no fan of these newfangled energy-efficient bulbs. He famously said, and I quote, “They were forcing you to purchase expensive lightbulbs, so I signed a bill a few days ago that gives you the right to use incandescent light. Much less costly.” You tell ’em, Don! Who needs these overpriced, toxic-filled contraptions when you can have the warm glow of a good old incandescent bulb? It’s like comparing a burger from a fancy restaurant to your grandma’s homemade meatloaf. No competition.

And let’s not forget about the online buzz that followed this ban announcement. Conservatives from all walks of life took to social media to express their outrage. One righteous representative, Rep. Andy Barr (R-KY), said, “President Biden continues to push liberal fantasies through his weaponized federal agencies.” Preach it, Andy! We elected Biden to fix the economy, not to decide on our light bulbs. And, folks, things got pretty spicy in the Twitterverse. One user hit the nail on the head, saying, “Banning useful every day items because they can. It’s the communist mindset.” Spot-on, my friend! When the government tells you what you can and can’t buy, we’re just one step away from full-blown communism. And you know what they say – today it’s light bulbs, tomorrow it’s air conditioners. Soon enough, they’ll be dictating every little thing you can have in your own home. It’s a slippery slope, my fellow freedom lovers.

In conclusion, ladies and gentlemen, brace yourselves for a future filled with expensive LED light bulbs and government control over your lighting choices. It’s a sad day when the simple act of changing a light bulb becomes a political battleground. But fear not, because we conservatives are a resourceful bunch. We’ll find creative ways to resist this outrageous ban. So, my friends, as you think about the days when you could choose any bulb you wanted, ask yourselves this important question: “In lieu of the incandescent light bulb ban from the climate change nutters and Joe Biden, how many should I buy?”

Written by Staff Reports

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