
Biden Bashes Manchin & Harris, Defends Hunter in Wild Speech!

In a recent speech at the White House, President Joe Biden has repeated his claim that he had no knowledge of his son Hunter Biden’s business dealings with foreign countries. However, evidence has recently surfaced, including a WhatsApp message from Hunter Biden allegedly shaking down a Chinese official while claiming that his father was in the room with him ready to act if money wasn’t handed over. When asked about this during the speech, Biden doubled down on his denial, leaving his lawyers with no wiggle room.

The president’s lawyers are likely beating their heads against the wall right now. Biden’s definitive denial leaves little ambiguity, despite the overwhelming evidence showing he must have spoken to his son regarding his foreign business activities. But perhaps Biden is so confident he is untouchable that he believes he can slip through the cracks? Biden’s misleading statements to date continue to live-free from accountability.

During the same speech, Biden also took a swing at Joe Manchin’s chances in the 2024 elections. Inadvertently, he has played right into Jim Justice’s hands, who seems to be the heavy favorite to win the West Virginia primary. Justice only needs to run that same clip repeatedly in his ads, and Biden will undoubtedly cement Manchin’s defeat. Biden’s arrogance in handling contentions races, unlike Obama who kept his distance, is dangerously delusional.

Furthermore, on the same day NBC News reported Kamala Harris to be the most unpopular vice president in their polling history, Joe Biden praised Harris in his speech, tying her to his awful policies. Given Biden’s health issues and the corruption scandals surrounding him, this is a controversial move. It’s unlikely anyone would desire to be tied to Biden’s policies, and it’s an awful decision for him to tie his vice president to them.

As a conservative Republican writer, I cannot help but see the gravity of the situation. Biden’s statements reinforce the reality of his corruption allegations and the potential political consequences for him, his presidency, and his administration. However, Biden seems to be playing a dangerous game of cat and mouse, and I am not sure how it will ultimately play out.

Written by Staff Reports

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