
Biden Begs Clinton, Obama to Save Sinking Campaign!

Joe Biden’s re-election bid is on shaky ground, and Democrats are scrambling to come to his aid. In a desperate attempt to rally support, Biden has enlisted former President Bill Clinton and the ever-present Barack Obama for a fundraising event set to take place in the coming months. It seems that even Biden’s own party is starting to doubt his ability to take on Donald Trump.

The decision to bring in Clinton is an interesting one, considering the potential baggage he carries. Just recently, he was connected to the notorious Jeffrey Epstein, although no criminal allegations have been made against him. Still, it’s clear that Biden is willing to take any help he can get, even if it means dusting off a former president with a less-than-stellar reputation.

Meanwhile, Obama continues to be hailed as a political star among Democrats, despite the fact that he failed to deliver on many of his promises during his own presidency. But hey, who needs results when you have charisma? It seems that Biden is hoping Obama’s star power will rub off on him and help re-energize his dwindling base.

Unfortunately for Biden, his economic record isn’t impressing voters who are struggling with rising inflation. It’s hard to convince people that you’re doing a great job when their wallets are getting lighter by the day. And let’s not forget the persistent doubts about Biden’s age. As he enters his fourth year in office, concerns about his mental acuity continue to cast a dark cloud over his campaign.

To make matters worse, Biden’s wife Jill has been taking on a more active role in his campaign, which is an unusual move for a First Lady. It’s clear that Biden’s diminished abilities are starting to show, and the American people are taking notice. But fear not, because Biden’s team promises that we will be seeing a lot more of him very soon. Whether that’s a promise or a threat, we’ll leave that up to you to decide.

And let’s not forget about Hillary Clinton, the former First Lady who suffered a humiliating loss to Trump in 2016. Despite her own failures, she’s still being touted as a major player in Biden’s campaign. It’s almost comical how desperate the Democrats are to find anyone, even those with a track record of failure, to prop up their struggling candidate.

In the end, Biden’s reliance on past presidents and their spouses to save his campaign speaks volumes about his own shortcomings. It’s clear that he can’t stand on his own two feet and needs the support of others to prop him up. It’s a sad state of affairs for the Democratic party, but it’s a reality they must face if they hope to defeat Trump in 2024.

Written by Staff Reports

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