
Biden Blames Trump Again, Fumbles Ukraine Aid Pitch

In a desperate attempt to distract from his own stunning failures, President Joe Biden launched into yet another tirade against Donald Trump and Republicans in Congress. This time, he released a video message demanding lawmakers to pass his national security supplemental funding bill to send more aid to Ukraine, all while trying to defend America’s alliances.

Despite Biden’s shameless attempt to rally support for his bill, the reality is that he has repeatedly proven the United States cannot be depended on. From his disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal to snubbing France and failing to deter Putin’s invasion of Ukraine, Biden’s track record speaks for itself. And let’s not forget how he gifted Putin by banning American LNG exports – talk about blowing it!

But the real kicker in Biden’s video wasn’t his feeble attempt to ignite a sense of patriotism – it was the embarrassing typos in the on-screen captions. The White House-produced transcript managed to include misspellings, showcasing the administration’s lack of attention to detail – or perhaps the lack of spell check. It’s no wonder Biden’s own team can’t even manage to produce a gaffe-free statement, even with over two dozen jump cuts in the video.

So, as Biden continues to stumble through his presidency, blaming others for his own shortcomings, one thing is clear: America deserves a leader who can actually deliver on their promises and defend our nation’s interests. And it’s certainly not “Sleepy Joe.”

Written by Staff Reports

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