
Biden Blames Trump for Border Chaos of His Own Making!

In a jaw-dropping display of chutzpah and finger-pointing, President Joe Biden had the audacity to blame former President Donald Trump and his “MAGA” GOP colleagues in Congress for the ongoing border crisis that the current administration has created. President Biden had the gall to claim that if the border crisis, which is a direct result of his own disastrous policies, continues, it is all Trump and the Republicans’ fault. This is utterly preposterous, but then again, what else would you expect from Sleepy Joe and his inability to take responsibility for his own failures?

During a White House speech on Tuesday, Biden had the nerve to point the finger at Trump, insisting that the proposed $118 billion national security bill couldn’t move forward in the Senate because of the Republicans’ opposition. He had the gall to say, “Why? A simple reason: Donald Trump.” Can you believe the nerve of this guy? Nevermind that Biden and the Democrats are trying to shove a bunch of their own pet projects into a bill that’s supposed to be about national security! Trump is simply the convenient scapegoat that Biden and the Democrats are trying to blame for their own inability to get things done.

Biden’s attempt to shift the blame is especially egregious when you consider the skyrocketing numbers of illegal border encounters since he took office. Just look at the statistics! During the last full fiscal year of the Trump administration, approximately 400,000 individuals were apprehended at the southwest border. But since Biden took office, those numbers have exploded, reaching 1.7 million encounters in FY 2021, 2.4 million in FY 2022, and a whopping 2.5 million in FY 2023. That’s a drastic change, and who’s to blame for that? You guessed it – it’s Biden and his failed policies!

Speaking of failed policies, House Speaker Mike Johnson released a list of 64 actions taken by Biden and his administration that have systematically weakened border security. From halting border wall construction to submitting legislation for a pathway to citizenship for illegal immigrants, Biden has done everything in his power to open, rather than secure, the border. These actions have emboldened drug cartels and encouraged an unprecedented surge in illegal immigration.

It’s abundantly clear that President Biden is more interested in playing the blame game and dodging responsibility than actually taking action to secure the border. His approval ratings in handling the border and immigration are abysmal, and Trump isn’t to blame for that. It’s all on Biden, plain and simple. The border crisis is a direct result of his own failed policies, and he should take ownership of that instead of pointing fingers at others.

In the end, it’s clear that President Biden is looking for political cover to protect himself from the consequences of his own unpopular border policies. But the American people can see through his shenanigans and they won’t be fooled. The border crisis is Biden’s mess to clean up, and he should stop blaming others and start taking real action to secure the border.

Written by Staff Reports

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