
Biden Blames Trump for Border Woes, But Facts Tell a Different Story!

President Joe Biden’s attempt to place blame on former President Donald Trump and his “MAGA” GOP supporters for the border crisis is nothing short of audacious. Biden’s claim that Trump’s opposition to a national security bill is the reason for the ongoing crisis is a weak attempt to deflect responsibility from his own administration.

In his White House speech, Biden accused Trump of prioritizing his own political interests over the well-being of the country. However, the facts tell a different story. During Trump’s presidency, there were consistently around 300,000 to 400,000 illegal entries at the southwest border each year. In contrast, since Biden took office, there have been a staggering 1.7 million encounters in FY 2021, 2.4 million in FY 2022, and 2.5 million in FY 2023, according to Customs and Border Patrol statistics. The numbers speak for themselves – the border crisis has exploded under Biden’s watch.

The reason for this drastic change is simple: a change in policy. Biden and his administration have taken numerous actions that have undermined border security. From ending border wall construction to allowing a pathway to citizenship for illegal immigrants, Biden has consistently prioritized open borders over the safety and security of American citizens.

Biden’s claim that he has done everything he can to address the crisis is simply not true. In reality, he has done everything he can to keep the border open. Even if the proposed border bill were to pass, it is unlikely that Biden would change his approach, as he has shown a disregard for immigration law from the start.

It is clear that Biden is looking for political cover to protect himself from the public’s growing dissatisfaction with his border policies. His approval rating on handling the border and immigration is a dismal 29 percent, with 63 percent of Americans disapproving, according to ABC News. It is time for Biden to take responsibility for his own actions and stop trying to shift the blame onto others. The border crisis is Biden’s problem, and he should be held accountable for it.

Written by Staff Reports

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