
Biden Blunder: Dems in Disarray with No Backup Plan!

The Democratic Party is sweating bullets as they realize they put all their eggs in one creaky, old, laughingstock of a basket. President Joe Biden, who gives off major grandpa vibes, has become a walking disaster for the Left. Multiple news outlets are now revealing that the Democrats have no “plan B” in case Biden decides to sit out the next election for any reason, like finally admitting he’s way past his expiration date.

The panic button has been hit as Biden’s campaign continues to be an epic fail, and even more folks are giving him the side-eye. It’s like the Democrats dug themselves a hole so deep they could start their own mining operation.

Even left-leaning outlets like Reuters had to admit that the Democratic Party is in for a major shake-up if the 81-year-old president suddenly packs it in. They’re all scratching their heads, wondering who they could possibly roll out if Biden decides to call it quits. And let’s be real, finding someone as entertaining as Biden on the campaign trail would be a wild goose chase.

The New York Times even had the gall to list out all the headaches the Democrats would face if Biden just up and peaced out. Can you imagine the chaos of trying to get a new candidate on each state’s primary ballot? There’s paperwork, filing fees, signatures—basically, it’s enough hoops to jump through to make you feel like you’re running off to join the circus on a unicycle.

But wait, it gets even better! Polls are showing that Trump would easily crush any “possible replacements” for Biden, like Vice President Kamala Harris or Gov. Gavin Newsom. It’s like watching someone try to replace the lead actor in a hit show with a goldfish and expecting the ratings to stay the same.

An anonymous senior Democrat spilled the tea, admitting that there really is no Plan B. And if the VP, aka Kamala Harris, were to step up to the plate, it seems like no one’s shaking in their boots. It’s like trying to make a soggy sandwich with no bread—pointless.

So, as the Democrats rush to patch up their leaky ship, Trump is sitting back, sipping his Diet Coke, and probably having a good laugh at the mad scramble happening on the Left. It’s the circus that just keeps on giving, and the Democrats are the star performers.

Written by Staff Reports

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