
Biden Blunders: Calls LL Cool J ‘Boy’ at Black Caucus Event!

President Joe Biden is making headlines once again, this time for mispronouncing LL Cool J’s name and using an inappropriate term to refer to the rapper. This incident took place at an awards dinner in Washington, DC, where LL Cool J and MC Lyte were being honored with Phoenix Awards by the Congressional Black Caucus. Biden’s attempt at acknowledging LL Cool J’s contributions to hip hop fell flat as he stumbled over the rapper’s name, calling him LL Jay Cool J.

But that’s not all. Biden then went on to make an offensive and derogatory comment about LL Cool J’s physique. In a failed attempt at humor, Biden remarked, “By the way, that boy’s got – I mean, that man’s got biceps bigger than my thighs.” This inappropriate comment drew laughter from the audience, who seemed to be amused by the President’s blunder.

While some may dismiss this incident as a simple slip-up, it is important to examine the underlying pattern of Biden’s behavior. This is not the first time he has made such remarks that are tone-deaf and offensive. It seems that old habits die hard for Biden, as he continues to display a lack of awareness and sensitivity.

This incident also highlights the concerns that many have raised about Biden’s age and mental acuity. A recent poll found that nearly half of Democrats and Democrat-leaning individuals are worried about Biden’s age and its impact on his ability to effectively serve as President. His repeated gaffes and questionable comments only fuel these concerns.

It is disheartening to see the President of the United States display such a lack of respect and understanding. Our nation deserves a leader who can represent us with dignity and intelligence, someone who will uplift and unite all Americans. Unfortunately, Biden’s actions continue to fall short of these expectations. It is time for him to take responsibility for his words and strive to be a better leader for our country.

Written by Staff Reports

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Biden Blunders: Calls LL Cool J ‘Boy’ at Black Caucus Event!

Biden Blunders: Calls LL Cool J ‘Boy’ at Black Caucus Event!