
Biden Boots Rivals in NC Primary, Dems Cry Foul on Election Tactics!

President Joe Biden, the sole Democratic candidate approved for the North Carolina 2024 primary election, has clinched a significant victory. The North Carolina State Board of Elections, in a unanimous decision, granted the North Carolina Democratic Party's request to have Biden as the exclusive Democratic contender on the ballot, effectively sidelining potential competitors like Rep. Dean Phillips (D-MN), Marianne Williamson, and Cenk Uygur.

Back in December, Tommy Mattocks, the spokesperson for the North Carolina Democratic Party, outlined the clear criteria for ballot inclusion, emphasizing the necessity for candidates to have in-state donors and active campaigning efforts. Those who couldn't meet these requirements faced a tough break.

Expressing her disappointment, Marianne Williamson redirected blame to the DNC, accusing the North Carolina Board of Elections of failing to safeguard voters from what she termed as the party's underhanded tactics. She went as far as denouncing the Board's actions as a disgrace to voters, framing the issue as a crisis of democracy in the nation—an undoubtedly dramatic stance.

Meanwhile, Dean Phillips likened the decision to tactics used in Iran and accused the Democratic Party of undermining the election process. Taking to Twitter, he aired his grievances, decrying it as "the destruction of democracy by the people entrusted with protecting it." But in the world of politics, surprises and challenges are par for the course, so the shock seems somewhat out of place.

Adding to the drama, Cenk Uygur of the Young Turks voiced his frustration, alleging that the media overlooked Biden's team maneuvering to remove competitors from the ballots. However, such claims met skepticism, with many pointing out that Uygur isn't eligible to run for presidency as he isn't a natural-born U.S. citizen. It seems dishing it out didn't come without a dose of comeback.

Interestingly, last month, the North Carolina State Board of Elections rejected an attempt to disqualify former President Donald Trump from the ballot. It seems victory celebrations aren't limited to Trump alone.

The North Carolina Republican and Democratic primaries are set for Super Tuesday, March 5, promising an eventful showdown. Who knows? There might be further surprises awaiting in this political spectacle!

Written by Staff Reports

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