
Biden Border Chaos Boosts GOP, Bleeds Dems Dry!

President Joe Biden’s loose border policies are causing chaos at the southern border, and it’s costing American citizens big time! According to a report from the biased Politico, more foreigners are swarming into the U.S., and it’s driving Latino citizens straight into the welcoming arms of the GOP. That’s right, folks, even those who previously leaned Democratic are waking up to the disaster at the border and starting to see the light.

Take Daniela Simental, for example. This proud Latina, who immigrated to the U.S. from Mexico, didn’t vote for Trump in 2016. But with the flood of people pouring into the country, she’s singing a different tune now. “I want Trump back,” she says. And she’s not alone! Even Rick Delgado, a Navy veteran who used to lean Democratic, is praising Texas’ hardline Republican governor, Greg Abbott, for doing a better job. Can you believe it?

But the left-wing Politico article is shamelessly trying to push the Latino community to vote for their Democratic-affiliated ethnic group. Can you say “desperate”? Because that’s exactly what it is! What these folks want are candidates who care about their wallets and their children’s future, not politicians who ignore the chaos and damage caused by unchecked migration.

Even Rep. Chip Roy (R-TX) is calling out the burden on local communities caused by this unchecked migration. And he’s not mincing words! Sheriffs and officials in South Texas can tell you all about the mess they’re dealing with, from bailing out smuggled migrants to overloading schools and hospitals. It’s a total disaster, and the Democrats are turning a blind eye to it all!

Rep. Veronica Escobar (D-TX) is shamelessly advocating for more migration, sending the message that she couldn’t care less about the immense financial and civic strain it’s placing on local communities. And she’s not the only one! Democrats far and wide are gung-ho about increasing migration, all for the sake of satisfying business groups and their insatiable need for cheap labor. But at what cost?

The Washington Post even interviewed economic migrants who are taking advantage of Biden’s open-door policy, revealing how they’re coming into the country and immediately looking for work. The numbers are skyrocketing, and this flood of workers is music to the ears of business groups, who couldn’t care less about how it’s impacting American workers and communities.

Biden’s lackadaisical approach to immigration is a deliberate effort to dump the foreigners’ problems onto the already weighed-down shoulders of hardworking Americans. It’s causing homelessness, driving wages down, hurting the middle class, and so much more. And all the while, the left is just sitting back, watching the chaos unfold.

So, it’s time to wake up, America! The rampant immigration under Biden’s watch is a disaster waiting to happen, and it’s up to the Latino community and all hardworking Americans to stand up and say, “Enough is enough!”

Written by Staff Reports

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