
Biden Border Crisis Escalates with New Tech Tactics and Loopholes

The Biden-Harris administration appears to be turning the border crisis into one big game of “hide and seek.” While the administration boasts about a decline in illegal border crossings thanks to a cap on entries, reality tells a different story that suggests a rising tide of undocumented migrants is still making its way into the United States, but through back doors and clever tricks rather than the front gate.

Recent data from Customs and Border Protection shows a drop in the official tally of illegal crossings following the president’s executive order. However, rather than halting migration, it seems to have merely incentivized it to adopt a stealthy approach. Migrants have started flocking to alternatives like the CBP One app and the CHNV program, which have become the new favorites for those looking to bypass traditional border checks. This switcheroo is akin to an old-school magician pulling a rabbit from a hat, leaving everyone wondering where the real crisis went.

Enrique Valenzuela, head of the Chihuahua Population Council, shared his observations on this curious phenomenon. Although some might think the flood of migrants has ebbed, he sees it differently, affirming that heightened interest in the CBP One app indicates the tide is still high. The app allows migrants to book appointments to apply for asylum and submit biometric data to federal immigration authorities—essentially a digital fast pass to the U.S.

Since Biden kicked off his compassionate immigration initiatives, the app has helped over 800,000 migrants schedule appointments in a short time. The monthly statistics reveal that those coming through the app nearly match the number of Border Patrol encounters, which raises eyebrows about just how effective those supposed border protections really are. The app has facilitated a staggering number of individuals—upwards of 1,400 per day—into the country, leaving many to wonder if anyone is really paying attention to the legality of their stays.

In an interesting twist, the administration’s CHNV program has been flying in Cuban, Haitian, Nicaraguan, and Venezuelan nationals by the droves, granting them two-year paroles while conveniently ignoring the rampant fraud that seems to be surfacing under this initiative. With about 30,000 migrants arriving each month through this channel, one could start to think the administration has traded traditional border enforcement for an airline ticket.

The House Homeland Committee Chairman has condemned the CHNV program and the CBP One app, labeling them a “massive shell game” designed to make it look like the border situation is under control, while in reality, it’s a free-for-all. Just as one might roll back the curtain on a poorly performed magic trick, this ploy has left many questioning the sincerity of the administration’s border policies.

Meanwhile, the Mexican government has been making a half-hearted effort to curb illegal migration, though skepticism abounds regarding how long they can keep the dam from bursting. Reports of masses of migrants being corralled in southern Mexico suggest the Biden-Harris administration is playing a dangerous game of political optics, manipulating numbers to score short-term gains ahead of elections while the real issues continue to simmer just below the surface. It seems the only clear winner in this fiasco is the CBP One app developer, who’s probably counting their profits while the rest of the country tries to make sense of the circus unfolding at the border.

Written by Staff Reports

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