
Biden Border Order Deemed Ineffective by Fox Reporter, GOP Critics

Following President Joe Biden’s executive order aimed at curbing illegal immigration at the southern border, Republicans criticized the measure, claiming it would be ineffective in stemming the flow of migrants entering the United States from various countries.

Reports from Bill Melugin, Fox News' national correspondent, suggest that the executive order has had no noticeable effect. Melugin’s on-the-ground reporting at the southern border provides a stark contrast to the Biden administration's narrative. 


On Thursday, Melugin shared updates indicating "zero impact" at the California border site he was monitoring, providing evidence to support his observations.

While media attention has been diverted by other significant events, Biden announced on Tuesday that asylum requests would be temporarily halted due to a surge in illegal immigration, as reported by NBC News. This move aligns with Biden’s pledge to halt asylum processing at the southern border if daily encounters exceed 2,500.

With millions of illegal immigrants having crossed the border during Biden’s term, critics argue that this measure is too little, too late.

Administration officials stated that those crossing the southern border illegally would generally be ineligible for asylum unless they meet exceptional criteria and that individuals not meeting the "credible fear" standard for asylum would be swiftly removed.

Critics argue that this approach should have been implemented earlier and view the timing as politically motivated, given the upcoming election.

Melugin reported witnessing a "mass crossing" that included individuals from Egypt, China, and Turkey, indicating the diverse origins of the migrants. Despite the new order, Melugin noted no reduction in activity at the border, with over 4,000 crossings reported on the first day the order took effect.

This situation underscores ongoing challenges in border security, highlighting skepticism about the administration’s commitment to enforcing stricter immigration policies. The high number of illegal crossings suggests that the new executive order may be insufficient to address the issue.

Written by Staff Reports

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