
Biden Brands Xi ‘Dictator,’ China Plays Cool in Media Shuffle

President Biden has once again stirred the pot with his comments about Chinese President Xi Jinping. During a press conference following their summit, Biden called Xi a “dictator,” which made Secretary of State Antony Blinken visibly wince. Now, normally the Chinese media would have a field day with this kind of juicy gossip, but surprisingly, they didn’t even mention it. Looks like they’re trying to keep a lid on their feelings this time around!

The Chinese Foreign Ministry spokeswoman, Mao Ning, expressed strong opposition to Biden’s characterization, calling it “extremely wrong and irresponsible political manipulation.” She didn’t mention Biden by name, but it was clear she was not pleased. However, this whole ordeal was conveniently omitted from the official briefing’s transcript. It’s almost like it never even happened! Instead, Mao gave a glowing review of the summit and even called it “positive, comprehensive, and constructive.” Talk about propaganda at its finest!

The sudden change in tone from China is quite the head-scratcher. It seems like they’re trying to sweep Biden’s comments under the rug and paint a picture of sunshine and rainbows for US-China relations. Eric Gomez, a senior fellow at the Cato Institute, believes that China is giving Biden “a pass on this one” to make it seem like everything is hunky-dory between the two countries. They’re probably just trying to save face amidst a rocky relationship and a struggling economy.

This shift in attitude from China is quite the twist, especially considering their previous reactions to Biden calling Xi a “dictator” at a fundraiser in June. Back then, they were all up in arms, accusing Biden of violating diplomatic protocol and infringing on China’s political dignity. Oh, the drama! But this time around, the Chinese media is painting a picture of harmony and cooperation, talking about the summit like it’s the beginning of a beautiful friendship.

Some experts believe that China’s sudden positivity is all part of a strategic move to downplay Biden’s comments and focus on the “substantial outcomes” of the summit. They’re trying to spin the narrative in their favor and avoid stoking any nationalist sentiments back home. And hey, with China’s control over the media, it’s no surprise they can easily sweep things under the rug if it doesn’t fit their rosy narrative.

All in all, it seems like China is playing the PR game to make it seem like everything is coming up roses between them and the US. But let’s not forget Biden’s choice words for Xi. In his own words, he described Xi as “the guy who runs the country” and pointed out that China operates under a different form of government. It’s like he’s saying, “Hey, I’m just stating the facts here!” So, despite China’s attempt to cover it up, Biden’s words still pack a punch.

Written by Staff Reports

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