
Biden Buddy Archer Ditches Testimony a Third Time, What’s He Hiding?

Devon Archer, the infamous Biden family business associate and Hunter’s so-called “best friend in business,” has once again found a way to avoid testifying before Congress. This is the third time Archer has canceled his scheduled appearance before the House Oversight Committee, leaving many to wonder what he’s hiding.

Chairman James Comer of the House Oversight Committee, a Republican from Kentucky, revealed that Archer canceled his deposition on Monday. It’s clear that Archer has something to hide, as he has now canceled scheduled appearances three times. It’s time for Archer to come clean and face the music.

The committee initially subpoenaed Archer in June, wanting to question him about the shady Biden family business dealings. It’s no secret that Archer played a significant role in the Biden family’s questionable business deals abroad, particularly in China, Russia, and Ukraine. What’s even more concerning is that Archer was meeting with then-Vice President Biden while conducting these questionable ventures.

Archer has been closely connected to the Biden family for decades. They were buddies at Yale University in the 90s, and Archer even went on to become a key player in John Kerry’s failed presidential campaign. And let’s not forget about that infamous golf outing he had with Vice President Biden himself. All of this raises serious questions about the Biden family’s ethics and influence peddling.

But Archer’s unscrupulous activities didn’t stop there. He served alongside Hunter Biden on the board of Burisma Holdings, the scandal-plagued Ukrainian energy company. And let’s not forget that Archer was convicted for defrauding a Native American tribal entity and ordered to pay nearly $44 million to the victims. This is the kind of company that Hunter Biden and the Biden family keep.

Archer’s most significant deals involved Bohai Harvest, an entity controlled by Chinese state-owned interests. It’s clear that Archer was up to his neck in shady foreign dealings, with concerns even being raised about his relationship with a Russian billionaire. The Biden family’s ties to China and Russia raise serious national security concerns, and it’s high time they are held accountable.

It’s no surprise that Hunter Biden told Archer that persecution is the price of power. The Biden family has gotten away with their questionable activities for far too long. But with Archer’s refusal to testify and the mounting evidence against the Bidens, it’s clear that they can no longer hide from the truth. Let’s hope that justice will be served and that the American people will finally see the Bidens for who they really are.

Written by Staff Reports

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