
Biden Bumbles at APEC: Is He Fit to Lead?

In a shocking display of confusion and embarrassment, President Biden made a spectacle of himself at the APEC summit, leaving many to wonder if he’s really fit to lead. The video of the president fumbling and looking utterly lost among other world leaders at the summit has gone viral, and it’s no wonder why. The oldest US president, almost 81, seemed to be in a daze, picking at his nose and shuffling around in a bewildered manner while the other leaders took their positions.

One foreign dignitary even had to trade places with another because Biden was apparently standing in the wrong spot. As the cameras flashed, Biden was seen gazing around with a perplexed expression before being called on to speak. And when he finally made it to the podium, he began by apologizing for keeping everyone waiting. How embarrassing!

But the cringe-worthy moments didn’t stop there. The president refused to name an American business during his remarks out of fear of mispronouncing it, which only adds to the mounting evidence that Biden’s mental sharpness is seriously in question. He stumbled over the name of the event space, Marcone Center, calling it the “as big as my state,” instead of the correct Moscone Center. Yikes!

To make matters worse, his awkward attempts to cover up his mental lapses by joking about mispronunciations fell flat. It’s no wonder that concerns about Biden’s health and mental acuity are on the rise, with a majority of voters expressing doubt about his competence to carry out the duties of the presidency. These embarrassing blunders are sure to haunt his re-election campaign, which already seems to be on shaky ground.

In the face of such public displays of confusion and incompetence, one can’t help but wonder how much longer the charade can continue. The American people deserve a leader who is sharp, focused, and fully capable of representing the country on the world stage. President Biden’s credibility is quickly eroding, and it’s becoming increasingly clear that the emperor has no clothes.

Written by Staff Reports

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