
Biden Burns American Wallets with Draconian Furnace Rule!

In a shocking move, President Joe Biden’s administration has once again shown their disregard for the needs of hardworking American families. The Department of Energy has issued a rule that would restrict gas furnaces, sending shockwaves through the energy sector and drawing sharp criticism from the American Gas Association.

The new rule, set to take effect in late 2028, mandates that nonweatherized gas furnaces in homes must have an “annual fuel utilization efficiency” of 95%. This arbitrary and unrealistic requirement would effectively ban the sale of noncondensing gas furnaces, impacting a staggering 55% of households. It’s clear that the Biden administration is once again targeting the energy sector, further burdening American families with unnecessary regulations.

The American Gas Association, representing the interests of consumers and homeowners, has taken a stand against this overreaching rule. President and CEO Karen Harbert has passionately voiced the association’s concerns, citing the Department of Energy’s blatant disregard for the impact on consumers. Despite submitting a comprehensive 114-page comment detailing their objections, the association’s concerns were summarily ignored by the Biden administration.

The consequences of this rule cannot be ignored. American families relying on natural gas heat will be faced with a dire choice when their furnace gives out. They’ll be forced to either incur the exorbitant costs of retrofitting for electric heat or undergo a time-consuming and expensive renovation to accommodate a different type of natural gas furnace. This heavy-handed regulation will undoubtedly burden families and businesses with increased costs while yielding minimal environmental benefits.

This latest affront to American households comes on the heels of the Biden administration’s earlier emissions rules targeting gas stoves. These rules have prompted a fierce backlash, leading to the House of Representatives passing the Gas Stove Protection and Freedom Act. This important act aims to prevent the Consumer Product Safety Commission from using federal funds to enforce these restrictive rules, providing much-needed relief to consumers.

It’s clear that the Biden administration’s relentless assault on the energy sector is a direct threat to American families’ well-being. By imposing onerous regulations on gas furnaces and stoves, they are driving up costs for hardworking Americans while offering little in return. It’s time for the administration to prioritize the needs of the people and halt their destructive and ill-conceived energy policies.

Written by Staff Reports

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