
Biden Buys Votes with Taxpayer Cash Ignoring Crisis at Border

Joe Biden’s latest strategy appears to be showering Americans with their own hard-earned money in a desperate attempt to boost his sinking popularity numbers. Instead of fixing the disastrous border policies he messed up, leading to an unprecedented surge in illegal immigration, Biden is focusing on “canceling” student loans, as if that’s going to make everyone forget the mess he’s created.

A Democratic staffer proudly shared the letter he received from the Biden-Harris administration, claiming his federal student loans were magically forgiven. It’s important to note that it wasn’t Biden dipping into his own wallet to make this happen; it was the American taxpayers footing the bill. This recipient, Ben Kamens, seems to have conveniently dumped his debt burden on the backs of hard-working taxpayers, all the while boasting about it like he’s a hero. What a prime example of shamelessness.

But wait, it gets even more absurd. Turns out, Kamens’ employer was already repaying his student loans for him. So, he wasn’t even struggling to make ends meet. He wasn’t facing financial hardship. This guy was doing just fine. Yet, thanks to the government’s incompetence, he ended up with a taxpayer-funded gift in a nation drowning in a sea of debt amounting to $34 trillion.

Unsurprisingly, the public’s response to this shameless display of vote-buying was less than favorable. These deceitful tactics are morally wrong, regardless of who is pushing them. Everyone should be held accountable for their debts, and everyone should pay taxes on their income, unless we’re suddenly abolishing the income tax altogether.

It’s unacceptable to have certain individuals leeching off the hard work of honest Americans. A president shouldn’t be boasting about using taxpayer money to buy votes, and recipients of such handouts should at least have the decency not to flaunt their undeserved rewards in the faces of others while preaching about the importance of elections.

Written by Staff Reports

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