
Biden Campaign in Crisis as Delegates Waver, Fear Convention Revolt

The Biden team is in panic mode, frantically making calls to Democratic convention delegates to gauge their loyalty and head off any potential revolt. Reports suggest that as many as a quarter of the delegates are “wavering,” causing concern within the campaign.

Delegates who the campaign has contacted are expressing a mix of fear and frustration, with some suggesting the need for a “game changer” due to lagging. The calls, described as “temperature checks,” have not been well-received by delegates who were taken aback by the outreach efforts.

While the Biden campaign can remove faithless delegates, delegates have no legal obligation to vote for the pledged candidate. This raises the possibility of delegates breaking their commitments if they believe it is in the best interest of the party’s success in the upcoming election.

The fear of a potential revolt on the convention floor is palpable, with memories of past conventions where rumors and discontent ran rampant. Delegates are torn between loyalty to Biden and the party’s ultimate goal of winning the election in November.

For these delegates, the priority is securing a victory, and if they believe there are better candidates than Biden to achieve that, they may seek alternatives. The Biden campaign finds itself walking a tightrope as it navigates the delicate balance of securing delegate support while facing the looming specter of disunity within the party.

Written by Staff Reports

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