
Biden Campaign Uses Mother’s Day to Attack Trump, Spurs Controversy

President Biden’s team released a video on Mother’s Day that criticized former President Donald Trump. The video highlighted Trump’s past policies on women, such as abortion and immigration. The video flashed “Happy Mother’s Day” before displaying the words “But not from Donald Trump.” The campaign urged Americans to support Biden by showing love to the moms in their lives.

The video claimed that President Trump only cares for himself and not for American mothers and their families. It also expressed concerns about the potential impact of a second Trump term on mothers across the country. The campaign accused Trump of denying women access to fertility centers and punishing those seeking abortions.


Additionally, the video twisted Trump’s words and showed a family being separated, while claiming that Trump prides himself on separating mothers from their children. The Biden campaign asserted that President Biden is working to bring back expanded Child Tax Credit and provide paid leave for all Americans.

In response, Trump’s campaign team criticized the Biden campaign for releasing a “disgusting ad” on Mother’s Day. They accused Biden and his team of having lives filled with anger, hate, and resentment. The team also claimed that President Trump continues to occupy a significant place in the minds of the Biden campaign, even on Mother’s Day.

Written by Staff Reports

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