
Biden Compares Trump to Nazis, We Reveal the Shocking Truth!

It seems that former President Donald Trump has struck a nerve once again, this time with his use of the word “vermin” to describe the radical left. And of course, the leftists are crying foul, comparing him to Hitler and Mussolini. Oh, the drama!

During a rally in New Hampshire, Trump declared, “we will root out the communists, Marxists, fascists and the radical left thugs that live like vermin within the confines of our country that lie and steal and cheat on elections.” And just like that, the leftists were clutching their pearls, claiming that Trump’s use of the word “vermin” was reminiscent of Nazi Germany.

President Joe Biden, always quick to jump on any opportunity to criticize his predecessor, couldn’t resist chiming in. At a San Francisco fundraiser, Biden accused Trump of echoing the rhetoric used in Nazi Germany, pointing to Trump’s comment about “the blood of America is being poisoned” as further evidence. But really, Joe? Is that the best you’ve got?

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Of course, Trump’s campaign spokesman, Steven Cheung, dismissed these accusations as nothing more than the ramblings of “snowflakes” suffering from “Trump Derangement Syndrome.” And honestly, he’s not wrong. Democrats have a long history of resorting to hysterical accusations against those on the right. Remember when Republicans were supposedly going to throw granny off a cliff or start a nuclear war? Good times.

The problem with this type of rhetoric is that it’s not just harmless political banter. It’s starting to have real-world consequences. Just ask the parents who have been protesting at school board meetings or the Roman Catholics who prefer traditional Latin Mass. Or how about the protesters who are now languishing in jail following the Capitol incursion? This type of rhetoric is justifying the suspension of our First Amendment rights and the weaponization of federal agencies. It’s creating a dangerous two-tiered justice system.

So, while the left may continue to wring their hands and cry about how Trump is the second coming of Hitler, conservatives see through the smoke and mirrors. We know that Trump’s use of the word “vermin” is just a metaphorical way of calling out the radical leftists who are tearing our country apart. And we’re grateful to have a leader who’s willing to speak the truth, no matter how triggering it may be for the fragile leftists among us.

Written by Staff Reports

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