
Biden Cornered on Hunter’s Dealings: Impeachment Looms as Evidence Mounts

The Regime’s “Investing in America” tour kicked off in the East Room, with Joe Biden and Kamala Harris in tow. But even as Biden mumbled through his remarks, a persistent reporter from Fox News managed to catch him off-guard with a surprise question regarding his alleged involvement with Hunter Biden’s shady business deals.

When asked if he ever lied about never speaking to Hunter about his business deals, Biden denied any wrongdoing before quickly walking away. But as reported by Miranda Devine at the New York Post, the evidence against Joe and Hunter Biden is mounting. In fact, Joe reportedly met with Hunter’s business partners on twelve separate occasions.

The recent revelations from an IRS whistleblower have also shed light on a WhatsApp message Hunter Biden sent to a Chinese business associate, where he demanded payment and even invoked his father’s name. Just a week later, a mysterious $5 million wire transfer from a Chinese firm was sent to Hunter’s account.

As pictures from the infamous “Laptop From Hell” have revealed, Hunter was even at Joe Biden’s Delaware home the very same day he threatened his Chinese business associate in the WhatsApp message. With all this mounting evidence, it’s no wonder Senator Ted Cruz of Texas is calling for impeachment proceedings against Joe Biden.

It’s worth noting that Donald Trump was impeached over a phone call, yet the evidence against Joe Biden is far more overwhelming. How much more evidence does the GOP need to take action against this corrupt administration? As Jim Jordan recently remarked, impeachment is still on the table for Biden, as his alleged high crimes, bribery, and treason cannot be ignored.

Written by Staff Reports

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