
Biden Crushes Gulf Economy – New Offshore Drilling Restrictions!

President Biden has put new limits on offshore drilling in the Gulf of Mexico. This is bad news for Americans who are fighting to keep up with the rising cost of energy. The Gulf of Mexico is one of the biggest places where oil comes from in the U.S., but Biden seems to care more about saving a few whales than making sure Americans can afford to fill up their gas tanks.

Last month, Biden and some environmental groups came to an agreement about how to protect an endangered type of whale. This led to these strict rules. Between the 100-meter and 400-meter isobaths, which I don't know what they are, the limits cover an area of 11 million acres in the northern Gulf.

What are these new rules? Now, oil and gas ships can only work during the day and can't go faster than 10 knots. And they should stay away from the Expanded Rice's Whale Area after dark and before dawn, because these whales seem to be very picky about who they hang out with.

But, folks, here's the thing. Not only are these rules based on questionable science, but they could also make things worse. Industry groups are scared that limiting the amount of time ships have to get to port could lead to more accidents. And isn't it typical of Biden to put fake whale threats ahead of hardworking Americans trying to make a living in the oil industry?

On top of that, Biden's Interior Department just gave the go-ahead for a big wind farm to be built off the coast of Rhode Island. It's clear that Biden wants to pick winners and losers in the energy field, and I can tell you that wind and solar are not reliable sources of energy. This is just another example of Biden pushing his extreme agenda while regular Americans have to deal with high gas prices and an economy that isn't as good as he wants you to think it is.

Written by Staff Reports

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