
Biden Denies Lying About Hunter’s Deals: Cover-Up by DOJ Exposed?

Joe Biden finally said something about the accusations about his son Hunter Biden's business dealings on Monday. When asked if he had lied about business deals he had talked about with his son, the President gave a strong "No." This answer comes after weeks of studies and arguments about whether or not the President was involved in his son's business deals.

Even though Joe Biden has said in interviews and statements in the past that he didn't know about his son's business deals overseas, critics have questioned these claims. So, people have been asking for more information more and more in recent weeks. This has forced the President to finally address these issues himself.

Even though the President's answer was short, he has not changed his mind about the situation. But the accusations against Hunter Biden keep causing problems. Sources say that the tipster said that the Biden Department of Justice had messed with the criminal investigation of Hunter Biden. They said that the DOJ kept making needless delays, wasn't clear about what was going on, and even threatened to "delay, reveal, and deny."

Also, the sources said that the DOJ didn't look into a message from Hunter Biden to a Chinese businessman named Henry Zhao. In the message, Hunter Biden said that Joe Biden would "destroy" Zhao if he didn't pay the Bidens right away. There is a chance that the Biden administration was involved in Hunter Biden's business deals, and this makes people worry that the administration tried to stop the investigation.

Representative Jason Smith (R-MO) said that the U.S. Attorney of Delaware, David Weiss, was not allowed to bring charges against Hunter Biden in 2022 or 2023. Whistleblowers said that the DOJ was interfering with the investigation and going too far, even though it was clear that Hunter Biden's funds should have been taxed. It was said that the Defense Council bullied and threatened IRS investigators, caused needless delays, and made it hard for investigators to do their jobs on their own.

The evidence also said that the investigation and prosecution teams were not open with each other and that they did things that were out of the ordinary for an investigation. When dealing with the investigation, these claims suggest that the government put its own goals ahead of doing what was right.

As the Hunter Biden situation continues to develop, it will be interesting to see how it might affect the President's term and the actions of the government in the future. No matter what, the people and the media will keep looking at the President's relationship with his son as long as possible accusations keep coming up.

Written by Staff Reports

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