
Biden Disowns Grandchild for Political Gain? Hypocrisy Exposed!

In the topsy-turvy world of politics, where up is down and left is right, it should come as no surprise that even a simple question about grandchildren can lead to a chilling revelation. Just when you thought the Biden administration couldn’t sink any lower, they find a way to stoop even further.

The question at hand is how many grandchildren does Joe Biden have? It seems like a straightforward query that anyone with a basic understanding of math could answer. But in the twisted reality of the White House, nothing is ever simple. Reports have been circulating that Biden only has six grandchildren, despite the fact that he has seven. It’s mind-boggling to think that a president would disown his own flesh and blood for the sake of political expediency.

What do the Bidens have to gain by not acknowledging their own granddaughter? It’s a question that leaves one scratching their head in confusion. Even if they don’t want a relationship with her, why pretend she doesn’t exist at all? The level of pettiness and cruelty on display is truly astounding.

As First Lady Jill Biden parades around, pretending to care about the well-being of American children, it becomes clear that her husband is anything but a caring grandfather. How can he talk about the welfare of children when he won’t even acknowledge his own granddaughter? The hypocrisy is staggering.

In the midst of all this deception and heartlessness, one word comes to mind: decency. The media has tried to convince us that the Bidens are the epitome of decency, but their actions tell a different story. This isn’t just a family matter; it’s a test of Joe Biden’s humanity. And he has failed that test in the most cynical and disgusting way possible.

It’s time for a course correction. The American people deserve better than a president who disowns his own granddaughter for political gain. We need leaders who have the moral compass to do what is right, even when it’s difficult. Joe Biden has shown us that he is not capable of being that leader.

In the end, it’s a sad commentary on the state of politics when even a question about grandchildren can reveal the true character of those in power. We must hold Biden accountable for his actions and demand better from our elected officials. The future of our country depends on it.

Written by Staff Reports

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