
Biden Dodges Again: Jim Banks Urges Return to Women’s Health Declaration!

This week marked the third anniversary of the Geneva Consensus Declaration (GCD), which reaffirmed the value of family, the right to life, and the significance of women's health. Unfortunately, President Joe Biden and his administration, who supported abortion, chose to withdraw the United States from this declaration. Nevertheless, certain legislators are urging Biden to re-enter his information into the document.

Republican Senator Steve Daines and Representative Jim Banks are at the forefront of the global effort to defend the reputation of the United States and advocate for religious liberty, a pro-family agenda, and a pro-life agenda. Biden has been urged to acknowledge the importance of the GCD and reestablish membership in the coalition of 37 countries that have previously pledged allegiance to its tenets. The anniversary event, which was orchestrated by the Institute for Women's Health, commended Banks and shared his views.

The United States is missing out on an opportunity by abstaining from the declaration. The resolution introduced by Banks and Daines emphasizes that in excess of 1.6 billion individuals from 32 countries signed the GCD. The resolution requests that all future presidents, including Biden, rejoin the GCD. A month ago, former President Donald Trump made a positive development by committing to re-join the declaration.

Alex Azar, the former Secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) during the Trump administration, delivered a speech at the commemorative occasion. In doing so, he underscored the momentous dedication of nations cooperating to safeguard human life and improve the health of women. On the contrary, Biden administration HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra has unequivocally declared its support for abortion as part of its agenda.

It is disheartening to observe Biden place the welfare of families and the health of women before his pro-abortion objectives. His refusal to rejoin the GCD and his withdrawal from the organization demonstrate that he is not as dedicated to these vital values as he professes to be. It is of the utmost importance that conservatives in Congress continue to advocate domestically and internationally for the preservation of life, family, and religious liberty.

Written by Staff Reports

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