
Biden Dodges Debates: Do Liberals Share His Fear?

In a recent debate held at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library and Museum, seven Republican presidential hopefuls took the stage. However, it seems that the Democrats are already set on President Joe Biden being their nominee for the 2024 election. Despite this, there have been no confirmed debates for Biden to face off against his Democratic rivals, including environmental lawyer Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and writer Marianne Williamson.

To get a sense of what liberals think about Biden debating his challengers, we took to the streets of Washington for some opinions. One person we spoke to believed that Biden doesn’t need to debate, but at this critical moment in our country, he should listen to candidates who express interest and have a platform. Another person thought it would be a good idea for the president to debate his challengers, highlighting that not every president has been reelected and that Biden himself has had some unflattering cognitive moments.

Interestingly, everyone we spoke to had issues with the president’s opponents for the nomination. Some couldn’t even name them, while others simply didn’t take them seriously. For instance, when asked about Robert F. Kennedy Jr., one person dismissed him as crazy and not a real candidate.

It’s clear that the Democrats are eager to back Biden as their nominee, but it’s concerning that there hasn’t been a push for debates to ensure a fair and robust democratic process. It’s important for Americans to have the opportunity to hear from all candidates and make an informed decision. Without debates, how can we truly evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of each contender? Biden should embrace the chance to debate his challengers to show transparency and prove his abilities as a leader.

Written by Staff Reports

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