
Biden DOJ Targets Blaze Journalist: Silencing Truth Seekers!

In a shocking turn of events, the Biden Department of Justice is once again targeting conservatives and going after the righteous and intrepid journalist Steven Baker from The Blaze. It seems that Baker’s crime was simply doing his job and reporting the truth during the January 6 Capitol protests.

The Biden administration’s disdain for free speech and the First Amendment is on full display as they move forward with criminal charges against Baker. They are clearly intent on silencing anyone who dares to question their narrative or challenge the lies peddled by Capitol Police officers and federal prosecutors.

Baker’s crime, according to the DOJ, is releasing stories that contradict the sworn testimony of U.S. Capitol Police Special Agent David Lazarus. How dare Baker use his journalistic skills to analyze and scrutinize the evidence presented in the trials of the so-called “Oath Keepers”! It’s almost as if the Biden administration can’t handle the truth.

The government’s case against the Oath Keepers relied heavily on Lazarus’ testimony, but Baker had the audacity to point out the lack of direct video evidence and raise questions about the supposed confrontation between the group and law enforcement. It’s troubling to think that the DOJ would go after a journalist for daring to question the very foundation of their case.

This latest attack on conservative journalists should serve as a wake-up call to all Americans who value freedom of the press. If the Biden administration can target Baker for simply doing his job, who will be next? It’s clear that this is a politically motivated effort to silence conservative voices and control the narrative surrounding the January 6 protests.

Just like they did with InfoWars’ Owen Shroyer and left-wing journalist John “Jayden X” Sullivan, the Biden DOJ is using this as another opportunity to punish those who refuse to toe the line. It’s a dangerous precedent that sets a chilling tone for the future of journalism and our cherished liberties.

As conservatives, we must stand up against this blatant abuse of power and protect our right to a free press. The Biden administration may think they can silence us, but they underestimate our determination and commitment to the truth. We will not be silenced, and we will continue to hold the powerful accountable, no matter the consequences.

Written by Staff Reports

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