
Biden Dons Ukraine Colors, Demands $60B from Taxpayers’ Pockets

In a recent address, President Joe Biden proudly declared his support for Ukraine by wearing a Ukraine tie and pin. The partisan leader in the White House is pushing for an $118 billion “border security” bill that includes a whopping $60 billion for Ukraine aid. That’s right, he wants hardworking American taxpayers to foot the bill for yet another foreign country.


Biden claims that Ukraine is in “dire straits” and needs to defend itself against the Russian invasion. He’s crying wolf, trying to sell Congress on the idea that if they don’t fork over the cash, Putin will run rampant and invade other countries. But let’s not forget that the United States has already shelled out over $113 billion for the war in Ukraine since Russia’s invasion in February 2022. And now, Biden wants more?

During his address, Biden dramatically proclaimed that “every week, every month that passes without new aid Ukraine means fewer artillery shells, fewer defense air defense systems, fewer tools for Ukraine to defend itself against this Russian onslaught.” He’s appealing to fear, trying to guilt trip Congress into opening up the taxpayer’s wallet even more.

Biden has the audacity to shame “MAGA Republicans” who oppose funding for Ukraine, accusing them of putting “Trump first, Putin second, America third.” He’s playing the political blame game, trying to make it seem like anyone who opposes him is siding with the enemy. It’s a manipulative tactic to make anyone who questions his strategy appear disloyal to the country.

In typical fashion, Biden is resorting to fear-mongering and name-calling to push his agenda. He’s trying to rally public sentiment by casting opponents as cowards who are too scared to stand up to Putin. It’s a classic move straight out of the partisan playbook.

It’s clear that President Biden is using Ukraine as a pawn in his political games. Instead of focusing on America’s border security and domestic issues, he’s fixated on funneling even more taxpayer dollars overseas. We can only hope that Congress sees through his manipulation and does what’s best for the American people.

Written by Staff Reports

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