
Biden Expands DACA Ignoring Troubling Statistics on Criminal Records

Joe Biden’s recent celebration of the 12th anniversary of Barack Obama’s DACA policy expansion has once again shone a spotlight on the real consequences of this controversial program. Under the guise of “keeping families together,” Biden has decided to unilaterally expand the program to include hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants, conveniently ignoring a troubling fact that he won’t mention.

A recent report reveals that nearly 80,000 DACA recipients allowed into the country had arrest records within just five years. These individuals, who were supposed to be shielded from deportation, were found to have committed various crimes, including violent offenses. Despite claims that DACA recipients are positive contributors to society, the data paints a different picture, showing a significant number with troubling backgrounds. 


Furthermore, the legality of DACA itself has been questioned, with a federal judge ruling it illegal on two separate occasions. Despite ongoing legal battles led by states like Texas to end the program, Biden continues to champion DACA without addressing the very real concerns raised by its critics.

The USCIS report sheds light on the alarming statistics behind DACA approvals and denials. Out of nearly 890,000 DACA requestors, over 75,000 were approved despite having prior arrest records. The report also highlights the cases of approved recipients who were later arrested, pointing to serious flaws in the screening process for DACA eligibility.

It is evident that the reality of DACA and its implications are far more complex than the rosy picture painted by its supporters. The significant number of DACA recipients with criminal backgrounds raises legitimate concerns about the program’s effectiveness and the need for stricter vetting processes. As the debate over DACA continues, it is crucial to consider all aspects of the program, including the potentially harmful consequences of blindly expanding it without addressing these critical issues.

Written by Staff Reports

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