
Biden Exposes Us All: IRS Agents Off the Leash!

In a move that has conservatives shaking their heads, the Biden administration has once again shown its true colors by endangering the safety of IRS agents and the American people. The Internal Revenue Service, infamous for its overreach and legalized theft, has announced the suspension of unannounced visits to taxpayers’ homes due to safety concerns. Rather than protecting hardworking Americans from the clutches of the taxman, Biden’s team is only further weaponizing the federal government against its political opponents.

According to the Washington Post, the IRS claims that this policy shift is aimed at safeguarding its employees from potentially irate taxpayers. But let’s be honest here – who wouldn’t be furious at the sight of a federal agent knocking on their door, demanding their hard-earned money? The truth is, this is just another attempt by the Biden administration to silence those who dare to challenge their radical agenda.

Under this new policy, the number of unannounced visits will be reduced to only a few hundred per year, and that too, only under extraordinary circumstances. Instead, the IRS will rely on sending letters to taxpayers, politely asking them to schedule a visit with a revenue officer. Well, isn’t that just charming? It’s as if they believe sweet talk will make all the difference in persuading law-abiding citizens to comply with their outrageous demands.

While safety concerns for IRS agents are nothing new, with reports of assaults dating back over 30 years, recent Republican criticisms of the IRS have only exacerbated the issue. Of course, we know this isn’t the fault of the Republican Party – it’s just another attempt by the liberal media to shift blame away from their beloved Biden administration.

Perhaps the real reason for the suspension of unannounced visits is something far simpler: people don’t want armed federal agents barging into their homes, demanding answers. It’s a rather basic concept, really. But leave it to the IRS to take decades to acknowledge this glaring issue. If agents were being assaulted regularly, as the IRS admits, this policy should have been scrapped a long time ago. Why did it take the Tea Party and the rise of Donald Trump for them to finally see the light?

It’s time for Americans to stand up against the power-hungry IRS and demand greater transparency and accountability. We deserve a tax system that respects our individual liberties and doesn’t treat hardworking citizens like criminals. The Biden administration’s actions, once again, reveal their true intentions – to weaken our institutions, suppress opposition, and consolidate power. It’s high time we put a stop to their reckless agenda and restore true fiscal responsibility to this great nation.

Written by Staff Reports

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