
Biden & Facebook’s Secret Plot to Silence Conservatives Exposed!

House Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan (R-OH) has once again exposed the disturbing collusion between Facebook and the Biden administration in their efforts to silence conservative voices. In the third edition of the Facebook Files, Jordan reveals the lengths to which the White House went to control speech on the platform.

President Joe Biden himself accused Facebook of “killing people” with the content it allowed, which is a ridiculous claim. But that’s not all, folks! The Biden administration even wanted to censor posts that were true. Can you believe it? They were scared of the truth! This edition of the Facebook Files exposes specific individuals and media outlets that the administration wanted to silence.

One email from Rob Flaherty, the former director of digital strategy for Biden, showed their concern about “misinformation on the internet.” They wanted to explain to President Biden why there was so-called misinformation out there. But what they really meant was anything that didn’t align with their liberal agenda.

The New York Post was also singled out as a target for censorship. Flaherty wanted to know if they were doing enough to reduce traffic from such “unreliable” sources. Heaven forbid a news outlet report on real stories, like people dying. Flaherty’s bias was clear: he wanted to kick people off the platform if they didn’t toe the liberal line.

And it didn’t stop there. The Biden administration wanted to control what users saw through algorithm manipulation. They wanted to prioritize “authoritative news sources” like The New York Times and The Wall Street Journal over conservative voices like the Daily Wire and Tomi Lahren. They thought they knew better than the American people. How elitist!

This censorship effort only grew, with increased pressure from the White House. They were determined to make Facebook play ball. It’s clear they didn’t trust ordinary Americans to think for themselves. In their eyes, people in certain parts of the country, like rural Arkansas, couldn’t discern truth from fiction. How insulting!

Even Facebook employees admitted to censoring posts that were true. They used the excuse of combating “misinformation” to stifle any conversations that didn’t align with the Biden administration’s narrative. They didn’t care about free speech or open dialogue. They were more interested in appeasing their liberal overlords.

Jordan’s thread on Twitter exposes the truth about the censorship-industrial complex. Facebook willingly bowed down to the Biden administration’s demands, silencing conservative voices and stifling free expression. This is a dangerous attack on our First Amendment rights. It’s time to stand up against this blatant censorship and protect our freedoms!

Written by Staff Reports

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