
Biden Fails Gold Star Families: Insensitive & Dishonoring Fallen Heroes

Joe Biden is once again being criticized for how he has treated Gold Star families, which are the families of those who have died in the line of duty. These are the individuals who sacrificed their lives for our country. What Biden did was botch the withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan, which led to the deaths of 13 American soldiers. It is an absolute disgrace.

During a congressional forum held by Congressman Darrell Issa, the families of the soldiers who died in Afghanistan criticized Biden for his mishandling of the situation. One particular distressing moment was when Cheryl Rex, the mom of Marine Lance Corporal Dylan Merola, revealed that Biden had compared her son's death to that of his own.

It is an insult to the families of Gold Star families, and it shows a lack of empathy. The idea that losing a child due to cancer is comparable to the sacrifice of a soldier is offensive and insulting.

Not only did Biden make the insensitive remark, but it also revealed that he never actually honored Rex's son. After their initial encounter, she had no correspondence from Biden. This is a clear example of his disregard for the families of our soldiers. While he is talking about supporting our troops, Biden still shows a lack of empathy.

Not only did Cheryl Rex feel this way, but other Gold Star families were also angry and frustrated by Biden and the administration. They accused him of lying about the situation.

The Biden administration tried to defend itself by releasing a statement. In it, they claimed to have been with the Gold Star families, and they talked about how they evacuated over 120,000 people during the operation. Unfortunately, these empty words show that Biden is more concerned with political spin than honoring our fallen heroes.

It's time for Biden to step down and be held accountable for his poor planning and failures in handling the situation in Afghanistan. The Gold Star families have asked for answers, and they want a president who will ensure that the sacrifices made by their loved ones are not in vain. Unfortunately, with Biden at the White House, it is not possible for these families to have their requests met.

Written by Staff Reports

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Biden Fails Gold Star Families: Insensitive & Dishonoring Fallen Heroes

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