
Biden Family’s Shady Cash Flow: GOP Digs Deeper into Sara, Hunter, & Impeachment Looms!

Get ready for some juicy family drama, folks! The wife of President Joe Biden’s brother, James, is under investigation by those feisty House Republicans. Her name is Sara Biden (no relation to the president, apparently) and she’s caught up in some shady business with questionable loan payments. And guess what? Some of that money ended up in the president’s bank account!

House Oversight Chair James Comer, who loves a good investigation, is leading the charge into the millions of dollars earned by Sara, Hunter Biden, and other family members. They’re trying to figure out if these payments were part of some Biden influence-peddling schemes, especially with China. Talk about a family affair!

RealClearInvestigations got their hands on some bank documents that reveal Sara and James have had their fair share of financial troubles. They even had to beg family friends for loans to pay their mortgage. Yikes! They even went to court over some of these loans. It’s like a soap opera, but with more tax liens.

One family friend, Joel Boyarsky, kindly loaned them $200,000 back in 1997. But the IRS wasn’t so kind and slapped a lien on their house for $145,000 in unpaid taxes. Ouch! Two years later, they borrowed $353,000 from attorney Leonard Barrack, who also hired Sara for a sweet $300,000 job. However, things didn’t go as planned, and Barrack sued the couple, claiming they promised him some fancy clients through their political connections. Spoiler alert: it didn’t happen.

But wait, there’s more! Sara had her own side hustles too. In 2000, she teamed up with former Vice President Al Gore to bridge the digital divide. Sounds noble, right? Well, their venture, NorthPoint Communications, ended up filing for bankruptcy. Oops! She also dabbled in tobacco advocacy, meeting some lawyers who wanted to create a Democratic lobbying firm. However, that plan went up in smoke when the lawyers got convicted on bribery charges. Bad luck, Sara!

Let’s not forget about Hunter Biden, the man who just can’t seem to stay out of trouble. He showered Sara and James with financial benefits from his shady dealings with companies in China and Russia. He shuffled around $10 million through a network of shell companies, and some of that cash made its way to Sara and James. Lo and behold, they even made a $40,000 “loan repayment” to the president. Isn’t family just full of surprises?

House Republicans are getting fired up about this investigation. They’re ready to launch a full-blown impeachment inquiry into President Biden. It seems like every day there’s a new scandal or controversy surrounding the Biden family. But don’t worry, folks, President Biden is denying any involvement in his son’s shady business deals. He’s not too happy about all this, and the White House is trying to shut down these accusations from those pesky Republicans.

It’s like a never-ending drama with the Bidens. With bank records revealing that up to nine relatives benefitted from Joe Biden’s time in the Obama administration, things are definitely heating up. Will the truth come out? Will the Bidens face the consequences? Stay tuned, folks. This is one political soap opera you won’t want to miss!

Opinion: Isn’t it fascinating how every member of the Biden family seems to have some sketchy financial dealings? It’s like a never-ending saga of questionable ethics and potential corruption. It’s high time we hold our leaders accountable for their actions, even if they’re related to the president. The American people deserve transparency and honesty, not a family full of scandals. Let’s hope the House Republicans get to the bottom of this and expose the truth for all to see.

Written by Staff Reports

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