
Biden Finally Acknowledges Fallen Kabul Heroes After Public Shame!

In the ongoing saga of Joe Biden’s gaffes and incompetence, another incident occurred last Friday that highlighted just how much of a risk he poses to our country. As previously reported, Biden received a Community Note from X and was subject to widespread mockery for yet another embarrassing blunder. But what’s even more concerning is the way he consistently fails to show empathy for the American people.

During his campaign, Biden presented himself as the “empathy guy,” someone who would deeply care for his fellow Americans. However, his actions have proven otherwise. When the citizens of East Palestine, Ohio, were dealing with the aftermath of a train derailment, they didn’t feel that Biden’s administration was properly addressing the situation. As a result, Biden promised to visit the town but never followed through. This disregard for the concerns of ordinary Americans is truly shameful.

The recent response to the disaster in Maui has been equally disgraceful. At first, Biden remained completely silent and even smirked when asked about it. When he finally did show up, he not only botched the names of local representatives but also made inappropriate jokes and seemed completely disengaged. His comparison of the tragedy to a kitchen fire was insensitive and trivialized the gravity of the situation. It’s clear that Biden’s empathy is nothing but a facade.

On the solemn anniversary of the terrorist bombing that occurred at the Abbey Gate at the Hamid Karzai Airport last year, where 13 Americans lost their lives, Biden once again failed to demonstrate meaningful action. While House Speaker Kevin McCarthy took the time to honor the fallen by posting their names and photos, and lowering the flag in their memory, the White House remained silent for the majority of the day. It was only after facing criticism from House Republicans that Biden finally issued a brief statement, which didn’t even include the names of those killed. This lack of care and attention is deeply troubling.

The disregard shown by Biden and his administration towards the lives lost and the families affected is a telling reflection of their true priorities. Their actions, or lack thereof, speak volumes about their insincerity and lack of empathy. It is clear that Biden’s promises of being an empathetic leader were nothing more than empty rhetoric. The way he treats these Gold Star families is absolutely appalling. It is evident that Biden views these families as inconvenient reminders of his own failures. This callousness and self-centeredness have no place in the White House.

Written by Staff Reports

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