
Biden Flirts with Terror, Endangers Israel for Votes!

President Joe Biden’s Democratic followers are falling in line with Hamas and attempting to justify the October 7 massacre of Americans and Israelis. Meanwhile, the State Department, feeling the heat from Democratic voters, is scrambling to find a way to ease the criticism of the longstanding U.S. alliance with Israel.

Rumors are swirling that the Biden administration is considering rewarding terrorism in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank by recognizing a Palestinian state – essentially resurrecting the rejected and far-fetched two-state solution. This move, if taken, would only embolden terrorist groups and put American and Israeli lives at risk. 

To make matters worse, the Palestinian Authority, the very entity the Biden administration wants to reclaim control of Gaza after the conflict, has openly indicated its willingness to hand power back to Hamas in the event of a future election victory. This dangerous proposition has rattled former Trump administration officials who worked tirelessly to broker peace in the region.

Former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo took to social media to express his concern, questioning what this recognition of Palestinian statehood would mean for Israel’s security and the freedom of Jerusalem. He rightly points out that legitimizing a terrorist organization like Hamas and empowering them to lead a nation will only sow the seeds of terror and anti-Semitism.

The White House’s rush to pander to the Hamas sympathizers within the Democratic Party is beyond alarming. It’s a perilous display of putting political gain above national security and international stability. The potential consequences of this reckless approach could have long-lasting and devastating effects, all in the name of securing a few votes in Michigan.

In conclusion, the Democratic administration’s willingness to tiptoe around the realities of terrorism and violence in the Middle East, all for the sake of appeasing a radical faction of its base, is not only irresponsible but also deeply troubling. It’s a slippery slope that puts American lives at risk and undermines the safety and security of our allies, particularly Israel.

Written by Staff Reports

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