
Biden Forgotten?! Huge Blunder Shakes Up Early State Primary Battle

In a surprising move, President Biden has decided to withhold his name from the Democrat primary ballots in New Hampshire. This decision comes as a protest against the party’s rules to begin the primary cycle with Iowa and the Granite State. This move could potentially complicate the campaign’s desire for a clean primary process, especially as another primary challenger is expected to emerge this week.

The Biden campaign believes that South Carolina, with its diverse population, should be the starting point of the primary process. They argue that this state is more representative of the country than Iowa or New Hampshire. It is worth noting that President Biden performed well in South Carolina during the 2020 primary, which helped revive his campaign.

However, party leaders in New Hampshire have strongly opposed this plan. The DNC had previously approved a new calendar that would begin the primary process with South Carolina on February 3, followed by New Hampshire and Nevada three days later. But Biden’s re-election campaign manager, Julie Chavez Rodriguez, stated in a letter to the New Hampshire Democratic Party Chair that the president is obligated to comply with the state party’s rules, even though he wishes to participate in the primary.

Biden’s absence from the ballot has introduced some uncertainty into the race, especially as potential primary challengers are emerging. U.S. Rep. Dean Phillips of Minnesota seems to be preparing a primary bid, reaching out to potential staffers and political consultants. He has also informed his House colleagues of his intention to run and could make an announcement as early as Friday.

Despite this potential challenge, both the Biden campaign and the New Hampshire Democratic Party chairman expressed confidence in Biden’s ability to win the state with a write-in campaign. It remains to be seen when the state will formally set a date for its 2024 primary.

President Biden’s decision to withhold his name from the New Hampshire primary ballot is a peculiar move. It raises doubts about the campaign’s confidence in securing a win in a state that traditionally plays a significant role in determining the party’s nominee. Furthermore, his attempt to revise the primary process by starting with South Carolina seems like an overt political maneuver rather than a genuine concern for representation. It’s important to respect the established rules and traditions of the primary system rather than unilaterally change them to benefit one candidate. This decision only adds to the already mounting concerns about the transparency and fairness of the Democratic primary process.

Written by Staff Reports

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