
Biden Fumbles Family Time: Acknowledges Seventh Grandchild, Navy Roberts, At Last!

Joe Biden Finally Acknowledges His Seventh Grandchild, Navy Roberts

It seems like Joe Biden can be shamed after all, at least when it comes to his grandchild Navy Roberts. Biden has been criticized for failing to acknowledge the four-year-old, even though he often talks about his other grandchildren. Liberal media, including the New York Times, scolded Biden for this, and it looks like he finally listened. It’s probably because he realized it would hurt his campaign if he didn’t address this issue. Biden released a statement to People magazine, saying that his son Hunter and Navy’s mother, Lunden, are working together to foster a relationship in the best interest of their daughter. Biden wants to preserve her privacy as much as possible. While it’s good that he finally acknowledged Navy, it’s clear that this statement is merely a political move to improve his chances in the election.

But let’s be real here. The Biden family is dysfunctional, and it’s not in Navy’s best interest to be influenced by them. Biden should have done this a long time ago, instead of waiting for the criticism to pile up. And let’s not forget how convenient it is that this statement is released late on a Friday, hoping it will go unnoticed. Well, sorry Biden, but we’re paying attention. Don’t expect to see Navy being invited to any Biden soirees anytime soon. Biden may finally be acknowledging her, but it seems like it’s just for show.

Written by Staff Reports

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