
Biden Fumbles Vietnam Visit: Presser Mishaps, Mortifying Social Posts!

Joe Biden’s recent trip to Vietnam was an absolute disaster. His press conference in Hanoi was a complete train wreck. He was only willing to answer questions from a select few reporters and needed notes to be able to speak coherently. Despite the preparation, Biden still managed to have trouble speaking and even had to stop mid-word before his staff abruptly ended the presser. And to top it all off, he insulted the Southern Hemisphere by calling them “third world.” Talk about a major diplomatic blunder.

But that’s not all. Biden also made a huge mistake by being in Vietnam on 9/11 instead of being in the United States to honor the victims of the attack. It has been a tradition for American leaders to be at one of the sites of the attack on this solemn day. Instead, Biden chose to visit a monument to John McCain’s capture. His excuse for not being at a 9/11 site was pathetic and disrespectful.

Even when Biden returned to the U.S., he couldn’t get his facts straight. In his remarks about 9/11, he joked about how he could have been an All-American and claimed he was at Ground Zero the day after the attack, which turned out to be false. It’s clear that Biden doesn’t care about the truth and is willing to say anything to make himself look good.

And if all of that wasn’t enough, Biden couldn’t even remember who he met with in Vietnam. He mistook Vuong Dinh Hue for Vo Van Thuong in a picture he posted on social media. It’s either a sign of his deteriorating mental faculties or a reflection of his staff’s incompetence. Either way, it’s a major embarrassment.

Overall, Biden’s trip to Vietnam was a complete disaster. He proved once again that he is unfit to be the leader of our country. We need someone who can represent us effectively on the world stage, not someone who can’t even remember who he met with.

Written by Staff Reports

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