
Biden Gaslighting America: Claims Lower Fuel Prices, Wallets Disagree!

President Biden has once again attempted to pull the wool over the American people’s eyes with his latest attempt to spin the disastrous consequences of his policies. Despite fuel prices skyrocketing during his time in the Oval Office, Biden has the audacity to claim that gas prices are lower under his reign. 

On January 20, 2021, the day Biden was sworn in, the national average for a gallon of regular unleaded was a mere $2.393. Fast forward to January 4, 2024, and the national average had soared to $3.090 per gallon. This inconvenient truth exposes Biden’s attempt to take credit for any reduction in gas prices as nothing more than an insult to hardworking Americans.

And let’s not forget the record-breaking gas prices Americans endured under Biden’s watch. In June 2022, one gallon of regular unleaded hit a whopping $5.016, and diesel soared to $5.816. Biden’s energy policies played a significant role in this price surge, yet he conveniently sweeps the blame under the rug.

Biden’s communication team has been working fervently to paint a rosy picture of his presidency, but the public isn’t buying it. His failure to take responsibility for the negative impacts of his policies, coupled with his attempt to claim credit for any slight reduction in gas prices, only further highlights his disconnect from reality.

The American people aren’t foolish. They remember the struggles they’ve faced under Biden’s leadership, from surging inflation to stagnant wages. His “Build Back Better” policies have only brought economic hardship and financial strain to households across the nation.


Written by Staff Reports

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