
Biden Gets Handsy with Eva Longoria: A Never-Ending Saga of Creepy Encounters

President Joe Biden’s handsy behavior towards women was put on display again during a recent speech. The President recounted a story where he mentioned having known actress Eva Longoria since she was a minor, which was met with laughter from the crowd. Biden even went so far as to call attention to the age difference and referenced “knowing her a long time.” Longoria, now 48 years old, was there to promote an advance screening of her movie “Flamin’ Hot” at the White House.

In a clip circulating on Twitter, Biden is seen apparently “groping” Longoria as she embraces him before taking the podium. The interaction was slammed as another example of Biden’s inappropriate behavior around women.

This isn’t the first time the President’s handsy behavior has sparked controversy. Over the years, he has been photographed in several compromising situations with women all around him. Former President Donald Trump often mocked Biden’s instances of sniffing women’s hair and getting handsy with others during his tenure.

While the Biden administration defended the gestures as always appropriate, not everyone agrees. Democrat lawmaker, Lucy Flores, publicly complained after Biden kissed her on the head at an event. In an online post following the incident, Flores asked, “why is the vice president of the United States touching me?”

These instances of inappropriate behavior shown by the President will likely continue to dog him during his re-election campaign next year. Add that to a charged atmosphere surrounding the #MeToo movement, and it could spell trouble for Biden in terms of female voters. It’s quite apparent that President Biden seems to have some difficulty respecting boundaries when it comes to women, regardless of their age or status.

Source: Trending Politics

Written by Staff Reports

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