
Biden Gifts TPS to 472K Illegals: Wyoming Outnumbered by Venezuelans!

In a move that is sure to please liberal immigration activists, the Biden administration has decided to extend Temporary Protected Status (TPS) to almost half a million illegal immigrants from Venezuela. That’s right, folks, because apparently the United States doesn’t have enough problems of its own, we need to open our doors even wider to those who have come here illegally.

Now, according to the Department of Homeland Security, there are already around 242,700 Venezuelan nationals benefiting from TPS. But that’s not enough for the Biden administration, oh no. They’ve decided to grant eligibility to an additional 472,000 Venezuelans who arrived in the U.S. by July 31, 2023. That means there are now more Venezuelans eligible for this temporary status than there are residents in Wyoming. Isn’t that just dandy?

Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas said that TPS is necessary because conditions in Venezuela prevent these individuals from safely returning home. But wait a minute, isn’t that the case for millions of people around the world? Shouldn’t we focus on fixing the problems in their home countries instead of just letting everyone come here and benefit from our resources? It’s a classic case of the Biden administration putting the needs of illegal immigrants ahead of the needs of American citizens.

Of course, Democrat leaders are praising this decision because, well, they always seem to think that open borders and unlimited immigration is the solution to everything. New York City Mayor Eric Adams even thanked President Biden for “hearing our entire coalition” and taking this “important step.” Sorry, Mayor Adams, but this is not an important step. It’s a reckless move that will only further strain our already overburdened cities and states.

Governor Kathy Hochul of New York is also “grateful” for this decision. But what about being grateful to the American taxpayers who will have to foot the bill for all of this? It’s easy for politicians like Hochul to talk about signing people up for work authorization and getting them into jobs, but what about the American workers who are struggling to find employment? Shouldn’t they be the priority?

Look, it’s clear that the Biden administration is more interested in appeasing the far-left progressives in their party than in protecting the interests of the American people. This decision to extend TPS to nearly half a million illegal immigrants from Venezuela is just another example of their misguided and dangerous immigration policies. It’s time for conservatives to speak up and demand better. The safety and well-being of our country should always come first.

Written by Staff Reports

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