
Biden Hails 10 Drugmakers Caving to Medicare Price Talks!

The primary manufacturers of the 10 drugs targeted by President Biden as excessively expensive have agreed to participate in the first-ever round of Medicare price negotiations, a move that is likely to stir debate within the pharmaceutical industry. These drugmakers had until the start of October to make a decision, and they have apparently chosen to engage in negotiations rather than risk withdrawing from Medicare.

According to the White House, the companies responsible for manufacturing costly and frequently prescribed prescription drugs used to treat conditions such as arthritis, diabetes, Crohn's disease, and cancer have opted to participate in negotiations. This decision comes after a legal challenge by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce was unsuccessful, as a judge denied the preliminary injunction.

However, the pharmaceutical industry and many congressional Republicans have voiced opposition to this development, asserting that the Medicare negotiation program represents government interference in drug prices and could hinder innovation. President Biden and his supporters view it as a practical approach to prioritize patient well-being over corporate profits. Given the significant number of seniors relying on Medicare for these drugs and the associated federal spending, proponents argue that intervention is necessary to secure better deals.

The first round of price negotiations is scheduled to take effect in 2026, with discussions taking place throughout this year and next. The final prices will be published in the fall of 2024, coinciding with the next presidential election. The Congressional Budget Office estimates that this program will save taxpayers $100 billion by 2031.

The selected drugs for the initial negotiation round include well-known names like Eliquis, Jardiance, Xarelto, Januvia, Farxiga, Entresto, Enbrel, Imbruvica, Stelara, and various insulin products. The outcome of these negotiations will be closely watched to see if they lead to reduced drug prices for seniors and other Americans, making it a noteworthy step in the ongoing debate over healthcare costs.




Written by Staff Reports

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