
Biden Halts Oval Office Donor Tours, Counsel Cracks Down!

In a refreshing turn of events, President Joe Biden has put an end to giving tours of the Oval Office to big donors after some wise advice from the White House Counsel office. It seems like the Biden administration has finally realized that cozying up to wealthy donors in such a public and official setting may not be the best look for them.

It’s been reported that ol’ Joe has been hosting these elite gatherings at the White House to butter up the fat cats and reassure them about his 2024 reelection campaign. I mean, who wouldn’t want a personal tour of the Oval Office, right? But hold your horses, because it turns out that the White House Counsel office was quick to point out that this kind of shindig could stir up some pesky legal issues. Leave it to the lawyers to rain on the parade, am I right?

But don’t worry, Deputy Press Secretary Andrew Bates was quick to reassure everyone that Biden takes all these White House rules seriously. I don’t know about you, but I find it quite heartwarming to see the Biden team taking their White House obligations so seriously. It’s almost enough to bring a tear to my eye.

And get this, the meetings even included dinners and lunches! That’s right, folks, not only did these donors get to stroll through the hallowed halls of the White House, but they also got to wine and dine with the big man himself. I guess there’s no better way to discuss how to take on former President Donald Trump, the economy, and the Israel-Hamas war than over a nice, fancy meal, right?

Written by Staff Reports

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