
Biden-Harris Border Crisis Swells School Populations, Costs Billions

In a staggering act of political mismanagement, President Joe Biden and his trusty sidekick, Vice President Kamala Harris, have presided over a border crisis that has allowed enough illegal migrant children into the United States to more than double the population of New York City’s schools. That’s right. The land of the free and the home of the brave is now also the land of the overwhelmed public school system.

In less than three years, immigration experts estimate that up to 1 million migrant children have crossed the border and found their way into public schools across the nation. This influx isn’t just a minor inconvenience; it’s a financial nightmare waiting to happen. According to Andrew Arthur, a national security and immigration expert, accommodating these children in schools could cost taxpayers hundreds of billions of dollars. This means rising taxes and struggling local schools will become commonplace in areas where local educators are already gasping for air under the weight of their current responsibilities.

Arthur’s findings are shocking, especially when one considers the numbers involved. Since the beginning of the 2022 fiscal year, the Department of Homeland Security has transferred over 325,000 unaccompanied alien children to the Department of Health and Human Services, many of whom are likely living happily ever after in homes they were never supposed to be in. This figure only scratches the surface, as it doesn’t include children who crossed with families illegally yet have now been enrolled in American schools.

Numbers don’t lie: between 700,000 and 1 million school-aged migrant children have likely entered the United States illegally over the past three years. For context, New York City boasts a student population of about 985,000, Los Angeles has around 634,000, and Chicago’s schools are home to 378,000. That’s a lot of extra little hands looking for lunch money and snacks that taxpayers will ultimately have to fund.

With illegal immigration skyrocketing during the Biden-Harris administration, it’s no surprise that this has become a major issue heading into the presidential election. Many voters are more concerned about this trend than they are about inflation or the economy. Taxpayers are right to be furious over the billions that have been funneled into housing, feeding, and servicing these migrants.

In a rare moment of clarity, Arthur notes that while parents are knowingly bending the law to follow this arc towards America’s golden shores, it’s really the message from the Biden administration that has extended an open invitation to the world. While chaos reigns at the border, it appears that the American educational system is now simply an extension of that invitation. One can only wonder how this will play out in the classrooms of America when teachers are juggling not only academics but also the repercussions of a border policy gone awry.

Written by Staff Reports

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