
Biden Hides Away for 2024 Race – Can Lightning Strike Twice?

President Joe Biden is taking a page out of his 2020 campaign playbook as he gears up for reelection next year. He plans to maintain a relatively light schedule, attending Democratic fundraisers and carefully coordinated events to promote his agenda. This strategy worked well for Biden in the past, garnering him media coverage and allowing him to compete with former President Donald Trump. By limiting his exposure, Biden hopes to avoid age-related gaffes and uncomfortable interactions with voters, which have plagued him throughout his political career. However, this approach won’t eliminate the possibility of a mishap, as Biden has had his fair share of trips and falls. Nonetheless, this strategy will allow his potential Republican challengers to flood the zone while he remains in the background.

When Biden employed this low-profile strategy in the 2020 election, Republicans mocked him as “basement Biden” and accused Democrats of hiding their nominee from the public. Despite these criticisms, Biden was ultimately elected president. In the midterm elections, Biden also opted for a more subdued approach compared to his predecessors. While some criticized this strategy, Democrats held onto the Senate and performed better than expected in what could have been a “red wave” election. The White House chief of staff and press secretary defended Biden’s low-key approach, emphasizing his ability to set the national conversation through his speeches.

There are a few factors that could make Biden’s reelection strategy in 2024 different from previous years. Unlike in 2020, COVID-19 is no longer a major concern, as in-person events are now possible. Additionally, Biden will be on the ballot himself this time, with his job approval ratings potentially affecting Democrats’ chances. The third key difference is Biden’s age, which has raised concerns among some Democrats, especially young progressives. At 80 years old, Biden faces questions about his ability to serve another term as president. Republicans have even speculated openly about his longevity, suggesting that Vice President Kamala Harris would take over. Polls have consistently shown that a significant majority of Americans believe Biden is too old to serve another term, and only 32% believe he is mentally fit for the job.

The question now is whether Biden can alleviate these concerns without being more visible to the public. Reports suggest that he avoids early morning, late evening, and weekend events, preferring to stick to a schedule that operates between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. on weekdays. Biden’s absence from a dinner during the recent NATO summit raised eyebrows, even though he maintained a busy work and travel schedule throughout the meetings. When asked about his age, Biden’s response is typically “Watch me,” implying that he can handle the demands of the job. However, skeptics wonder if he can truly address these concerns without increasing his public visibility.

As a conservative republican news writer, one can’t help but consider the implications of Biden’s reelection strategy. By keeping a light schedule, Biden may be able to avoid public gaffes and controversies, but it also raises questions about his ability to engage with voters and address their concerns. Additionally, his age and potential health issues remain a topic of concern, particularly regarding his anticipated longevity in office. These factors will undoubtedly play a role in voters’ decisions in the 2024 election, and it will be interesting to see how Biden’s strategy pans out as he seeks another term as president.

Source: News

Written by Staff Reports

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