
Biden Ignores Anti-Semitism, Courts Controversy with Islamophobia Strategy

In a stunning display of misplaced priorities, the Biden administration has chosen to focus on countering Islamophobia rather than addressing the rise of anti-Semitism in the wake of the Hamas terrorist attack on Israel. It seems that President Biden and his team are more concerned with appeasing Muslim Americans and the Arab-American community than standing up for our longtime ally, Israel.

The administration’s announcement of the “First-Ever National Strategy to Counter Islamophobia” has sparked outrage and confusion among many Americans. After all, shouldn’t the focus be on condemning the terrorist actions of Hamas and supporting Israel in their right to defend themselves? Instead, the Biden administration is once again pandering to a specific group of voters, putting their political agenda ahead of the safety and security of the American people.

Even FBI Director Christopher Wray has warned about the historic levels of anti-Semitism in our country, yet the Biden administration remains silent on the issue. It’s clear that they are more interested in maintaining their popularity among certain demographics than in standing up against bigotry and hate.

To make matters worse, Rep. Rashida Tlaib, a member of the notorious Squad, has released a pro-Hamas ad that falsely claims Americans don’t support President Biden’s stance on Israel. It’s alarming to see elected officials spreading misinformation and aligning themselves with a terrorist organization. This only further demonstrates the need for strong leadership and a clear stance against terrorism.

Polls have shown a significant drop in support for President Biden among Arab American voters, with many expressing dissatisfaction with his response to the conflict between Israel and Hamas. It’s telling that even members of his own party are losing faith in his ability to handle this crisis effectively.

But let’s not forget the fundamental nature of this conflict. Hamas launched an unprovoked attack on Israel, and Israel has every right to defend itself. Calls for a ceasefire ignore the fact that Hamas leaders have openly stated their goal of destroying Israel and have vowed to continue their violent attacks. It’s crystal clear where the true aggression lies, and it’s not with Israel.

The Arab American Institute’s poll findings should be a wake-up call for the Biden administration. The majority of Arab Americans hold a negative view of President Biden’s response to the conflict and oppose sending aid and weapons to Israel. These findings reveal a dangerous shift in American attitudes toward our ally and a lack of understanding about the complex nature of the conflict.

It’s time for the Biden administration to prioritize the safety and security of the American people over political appeasement. We must stand firmly with our ally Israel and condemn the actions of Hamas. Countering Islamophobia is important, but not at the expense of ignoring the rise of anti-Semitism and turning our back on our friends. The American people deserve better, and it’s time for President Biden to show true leadership on this issue.

Written by Staff Reports

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