
Biden Ignores Public Opinion: Endless Aid to Ukraine Continues!

In a recent speech, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky extended his heartfelt thanks to President Joe Biden for the ongoing aid that the Biden administration has been providing to Ukraine. Zelensky’s words were overflowing with gratitude as he addressed the American people at the National Archives. “There is not a soul in Ukraine that does not feel gratitude to you, America,” he passionately declared.

While the two leaders have met multiple times since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, this visit to Washington, D.C. marked Zelensky’s second trip to the capital. However, the difference between the two trips was strikingly apparent. Although both visits included pleas for further assistance to combat Russia’s aggression, the reception this time was far less enthusiastic.

During his first visit, Zelensky was hailed as a hero and even had the honor of delivering a powerful speech before Congress. But this time around, House Speaker Kevin McCarthy decided against allowing him to address Congress, and House Republicans expressed significant opposition to providing additional aid to Ukraine. It seems that the winds of change have swept through Washington.

While Zelensky expressed gratitude towards the American people for their steadfast support, recent polling reveals that most Americans actually oppose authorizing more funding for Ukraine. A CNN poll conducted in August showed that 55% of respondents believe Congress should not authorize additional funding, with 51% believing that the US has already done enough to help Ukraine. It’s ironic that Zelensky thanked the American people when it’s the politicians, including President Biden, who continue to allocate funds despite public sentiment.

One cannot help but question the logic behind continuously pouring money into Ukraine when the majority of Americans no longer support such actions. The US has already committed to providing over $100 billion in aid to Ukraine. How much more will it take to satisfy the insatiable appetite for funding? When will it finally come to an end?

It’s clear that the Biden administration’s commitment to Ukraine is out of touch with the desires of ordinary Americans. The hard-earned money of American taxpayers should not be squandered on a seemingly endless mission to stabilize a country thousands of miles away. It’s time for the administration to redirect its attention and resources toward the pressing issues facing our own nation.

Written by Staff Reports

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