
Biden Inflation Burglarizes Your Grocery Cart, Kevin’s Tab Triples!

I’ve got some breaking news about everyone’s favorite Christmas movie, “Home Alone”! You remember that adorable scene where little Kevin goes grocery shopping all by himself, right? Well, hold onto your hats, folks, because that same grocery trip—yep, the one where Kevin loaded up his cart with TV dinners, Wonder Bread, Mac and Cheese, and all the essentials—would set you back a whopping $68.00 today. That’s right, a 248% increase due to inflation. Talk about sticker shock!

Your eyes aren’t deceiving you—Kevin’s whole haul in the original 1990 movie only totaled $19.83. But fast forward to today, and buying the exact same items on his list sets you back more than three times that amount! Guess Bidenomics really knows how to put a dent in your wallet.

If that jaw-dropping increase isn’t enough to make you gasp, hold onto your hats because the hits just keep on coming. According to Fox News, that same exact grocery list would have cost you $44.40 just last year. But in 2023, it skyrockets to a hefty $72.28. That’s right, folks, inflation is showing no signs of slowing down, and it’s hitting Americans right where it hurts—their wallets.

And it’s not just Kevin’s grocery list that’s taking a hit. American households are feeling the pinch more than ever, shelling out over 30% more on groceries than they did in 2020. The Census Bureau data shows that for a typical family of four, the weekly food bill has ballooned from $238 to a staggering $315. That’s over $300 more every single month. Ouch!

But wait, there’s more! Ground beef prices have shot up from $3.89 to $5.23 per pound, coffee now costs $2 more per pound compared to just three years ago, and even fresh fruits and veggies carry almost 14% higher price tags. Talk about getting slapped with a hefty grocery bill!

And it’s not just groceries that are feeling the pinch. Thanks to Bidenomics, everything from mortgages to Christmas trees is costing Americans an arm and a leg just to maintain the same lifestyle they had in 2021. It’s enough to make you want to run and hide, Home Alone style.

So next time you’re missing the good old days, just remember Kevin’s epic grocery run for less than $20. Those were the days, right? How things have changed. But don’t worry—there’s a lot more to dish out on this, so stay tuned!

Anyway, just wanted to bring you the latest and greatest in Bidenomics, or should I say, the latest and worst-est? Because let’s face it, folks, it’s putting a real damper on things. But rest assured, your trusty correspondent will be here to keep you informed and entertained with all the hard-hitting, wallet-emptying news. Stay strong out there, and remember to keep those precious pennies close until the inflation storm blows over!

And now, a word from our founder: every click, share, and donation helps fight against the false narratives and Big Tech tyranny. So, what are you waiting for? Take a stand and help us keep the truth alive. Together, we can weather the storm and come out stronger on the other side, just like Kevin did in “Home Alone.”

Written by Staff Reports

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