
Biden Jr.’s Art Scandal Surfaces as Dem Megadonor Unmasked as Buyer!

House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer (R-KY) is not letting Hunter Biden off the hook just yet. Comer has launched an investigation into Hunter Biden’s art sales after it was revealed that one of the big buyers received a prestigious promotion from none other than President Biden himself.

The buyer in question is Elizabeth Hirsh Naftali, a wealthy real estate investor and big-time Democratic Party donor from Los Angeles. Naftali is known for her generous contributions to the Biden campaign and other Democratic causes. In fact, she has donated over $13,000 to the Biden campaign and nearly $30,000 to the Democratic National Campaign Committee just this year. She even hosted a fancy fundraiser for Vice President Kamala Harris back in 2022.

Now, here’s where things get interesting. In July of last year, President Biden appointed Naftali to the Commission for the Preservation of America’s Heritage Abroad. Coincidence? Maybe. But maybe not. According to reports, this commission appointment is often given to campaign donors, family members, and political allies. It seems like Naftali checks all of those boxes.

What’s even more suspicious is that Naftali visited the White House a whopping 13 times since December 2021. That’s a lot of visits for just an average art buyer. This raises serious concerns about whether Hunter Biden is using his art career to gain influence and access to the president. It also calls into question the White House’s claim that Hunter is “walled off” from knowing the identities of his buyers. Clearly, that wall has some serious cracks.

And let’s not forget about the mystery buyers. Business Insider reports that Hunter Biden’s team knew the identities of at least two additional buyers, despite the White House’s denials. One of these mystery buyers spent over $875,000 on Hunter’s art. Who are they? Why are their identities being kept a secret? These are all questions that need to be answered.

The fact that Hunter Biden’s art sales are now under investigation should come as no surprise. There have long been concerns about the potential for corruption and influence peddling in Hunter’s business dealings. It’s time for the truth to come out and for Hunter Biden to be held accountable for his actions. The American people deserve nothing less.

Written by Staff Reports

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