
Biden Lies About Meir Meeting: Another False Claim Exposed!

President Joe Biden’s recent trip to Israel has once again landed him in hot water as he repeated a previously debunked claim about meeting former Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir. This time, he falsely stated that he met with Meir before the Six-Day War, when in reality, their meeting took place just before the Yom Kippur War. It’s clear that Biden’s grasp on historical events is as shaky as his understanding of foreign policy.

Congressman Byron Donalds from Florida was quick to call out President Biden’s lie, pointing out that he didn’t become a senator until 1973, while the Six-Day War occurred in 1967. It’s truly baffling why Biden would continue to fabricate this story, especially after it had already been thoroughly fact-checked by Newsweek last year.

In 2021, Biden even expanded on his lie, claiming he was invited by Meir to be a “liaison” between Israel and Egypt about the Suez. However, he conveniently failed to provide any details about what specific role he played in this supposed diplomatic role. It’s clear that Biden’s imaginary adventures in international diplomacy are unravelling.

Not only is Biden’s fabrication embarrassing, but it also reflects a lack of respect for Israel’s history and the current tense situation in the region. Meir is a revered figure in Israel, regarded as a legendary wartime leader comparable to Winston Churchill. In a moment of true audacity, Biden attempted to claim a personal connection to Meir and her leadership during a critical time for the nation. It’s a tone-deaf move that shows a complete disregard for the sensitivities of the Israeli people.

Haaretz, an Israeli publication, even published an article on Meir’s birthday, celebrating her as a significant figure in Jewish history. Meir’s famous quote about peace with the Arabs, “We will only have peace with the Arabs when they love their children more than they hate us,” underscores her importance and the enduring impact she had on Israeli-Palestinian relations.

President Biden’s delusional claims about his interactions with Meir and his misrepresentation of historical events are reminiscent of his ill-advised assertion that he was a civil rights activist during the Civil Rights Movement. It seems that Biden has a knack for rewriting history to fit his own narrative, even when the facts clearly contradict him. It’s disheartening to see the leader of our country resorting to such dishonesty and manipulation.

Written by Staff Reports

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